Influential Future's Career Focus Podcast
This podcast interviews people about their career journey so far and what made them choose their profession. It aims to familiarize young people with what professions are out there, what skills, knowledge and education are required to become successful in their career journey. It also explores current technological developments in different professions and how these are changing constantly.
Influential Future's Career Focus Podcast
Career Focus interview with a Senior Data Scientist/Team Lead
Alexander Marinov
Today as my guest I am hosting Ivan Naydenov, a Senior Data Scientist/Team Lead, and a good friend of mine for over 20 years. Ivan initially worked in credit scoring but then he got the data science bug and has been working on very exciting and challenging data projects throughout his career. He has shown tremendous understanding of how to analyze data problems and find intricate solutions to them that have helped him throughout his career. In this episode we explored his education, career choices, how technology is impacting his work and what it takes to be a successful Data Scientist.
Note: The views expressed in this episode are personal in nature and in no way reflect the views of any organization, company, or institution.